We Always Need Volunteers!
Be A Fairy Godmother
For Women, age 20 and older ONLY
To be a Fairy Godmother to our Princesses during our Give-Away Events, you must Register and provide a background check. Registration at most locations will begin in February for our Spring Give-Away weekends. Follow your local chapter’s social media page for the latest details. Look under the LOCATIONS PAGE to find the Cinderella’s Closet nearest you!
Host a Dress/Accessory Drive or Glass Slipper Project
For Anyone
See all of the details on how to gather items to “Turn Dresses Into Dreams” on the DONATE PAGE.
Volunteer at Special Projects & Fundraisers
For Anyone
Cinderella’s Closet is a year-round operation and we always need help sorting inventory, holding a fundraiser, etc. Please watch your local chapter’s facebook page for the latest details. Look under the LOCATIONS PAGE to find the Cinderella’s Closet nearest you!
If you would like to receive notifications about volunteer opportunities and support, please fill out this information form: Click HERE